Everybody loves mail. Any parent who could watch the mail being distributed and see the disappointment of those children who do not receive letters and the excitement of the lucky ones would write a few lines every day. The letter need not be long. It is just receiving a letter that counts most. We recommend that you mail one or two letters to your child prior to departure. This will ensure that your child has mail during those first couple of days while they are settling into camp. You may also bring mail to the bus departure and hand it to one of the counselors or Directors on site. Please make sure you always include your child’s full name.
Camp Timberlane offers a one-way email service available to campers. No need to wait three days for your child to receive a letter. Bunk1’s Bunk Note messaging system allows parents to send emails to their campers directly through our website.
How do Bunk Notes work? Parents sign on to our camp’s password-protected website, select their child’s cabin, type their letter, and hit send. Letters are stored on Bunk1 ’s secure servers and then automatically sent to our camp daily (as a single e-mail attachment), pre-sorted by cabin and camper name! At camp emails are distributed to the campers each evening after dinner.
To register for our one way email system please click here. If you had an account with Bunk1 last summer you may use your password and username again. You will be prompted to update your account upon your first log in.
Laundry service for campers is available once a week and is included in your camp fee. Laundry is done overnight. The clothes are washed, dried and folded, but not ironed. No laundry is permitted to be done in the cabins.
A major problem at camp is sorting clothing at laundry time and that clothing which is lost and found. It is impossible to return clothing when it is not labeled therefore NAME TAPES MUST BE APPLIED OR NAMES MARKED ON EVERYTHING, including baseball gloves, cameras, fishing rods, shoes, coats etc. We suggest using a permanent black marker (Sharpie) where name tapes are not applicable. It is recommended that every camper bring their own laundry bag to be used until laundry day.
At Timberlane camp birthdays are special. We recognize each camper on their Birthday and provide a cake for them to share with others in their cabin. Birthdays are also the one exception to our “no package policy”. If you would like to send a birthday package to your child, please write BIRTHDAY PACKAGE in bold letters on the outside of the package and mark “Hold for Birthday”! Please do not send food in the Birthday Packages.